Friday, February 25, 2011

Little tea pot that could

Well I was doing my weekly watering of plants. Decided I would share the excitement of my "saved plant"! Afriend of mine brought over a few plants this past fall that she no longer wanted and had no room for. Well they were not in the best shape after sitting outside in a bit too cold of evenings. I noticed one in a really cute container made of an old tea pot that caught my eye. It's cheery and cute!
The plants looked weepy and dull, but today they are looking marvelous with nice green folage.
Here is a picture of the tea pot plant.
There are twin blue pots with snake plants that are doing much better as well.
I'm so glad to take notice of something green that says spring may be around the corner. Looking outside this morning made me cringe as more white flakes were falling to the ground and the winds were cause for the wind advisory -35 below. Brrrrr....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter weather has kept me away

This aweful snow mound is the aftermath of the most recent blizzrad.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another day of below zero temp

This morning started out freezing cold! Hoping it warms up alittle. With the temps and windchill I will have a full day of staying trapped inside the house. I refuse to take the children out in this cold for unnecessary trips. I suppose getting a change of scenery does not count as a necessity. I did manage to watch the pilot to the new Monday night entertainment, Chicago Code. Wasn't too bad of a show if you like crime drama. The hubby liked it also. Plan to tune in next week, well if we have no Valentine surprises!
Speaking of next week. Wednesday night I plan to try to make the first Zumba Class our fitness center is offering free with a membership. Guess better now than never to get back into shape, since my baby was delivered. There will be more to come on this and the likes or dislike of the class. It's just dancing right? Anyway my dear daughter wants to get the Micheal Jackson game for our Wii. Thinking of renting it first to try it out. We have a few games I wish we would have never bought because it was a waste of 45.00, give or take a few bucks. Anyway she is just excited about he commercial and does a few Micheal moves to boot. Think it would be fun to see her play the game.
I made some progress on the Neat Ripple and plan to keep trucking along off and on throughout the day. But first things first.... MY DAUGHTERS BEDROOM NEEDS A CLEAN SWEEP!!! Holy moley does she need some organization from ole momma!! Wish me luck, and if I'm not back in a few days send a rescue unit I might have gotten lost in there. (heehee)
The lighting isn't the best but just a reference pic. The blanket is double this width to fit a twin size bed when complete. Had to fold since my little ones arms weren't long enough to hold flat. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Neat Little Ripple

I started a new afghan for my daughter's bed. I found the pattern on Attic24's blog. I'm not sure how to insert a link to the site yet. I love the freedom of stripey bold colors!! Here is a pic of the progress so far, from the other nights cold storm keeping us inside. I can't wait to finish work tonight to hopefully add at least 5 more rows. This will be a work of love and cheer for my little girl. She is so excited!! I found the link to the pattern and how to post so here it is