Friday, February 25, 2011

Little tea pot that could

Well I was doing my weekly watering of plants. Decided I would share the excitement of my "saved plant"! Afriend of mine brought over a few plants this past fall that she no longer wanted and had no room for. Well they were not in the best shape after sitting outside in a bit too cold of evenings. I noticed one in a really cute container made of an old tea pot that caught my eye. It's cheery and cute!
The plants looked weepy and dull, but today they are looking marvelous with nice green folage.
Here is a picture of the tea pot plant.
There are twin blue pots with snake plants that are doing much better as well.
I'm so glad to take notice of something green that says spring may be around the corner. Looking outside this morning made me cringe as more white flakes were falling to the ground and the winds were cause for the wind advisory -35 below. Brrrrr....

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